Recent Projects
Canada Microfibre Pollution Action Blueprint
Collaborative project of Ocean Diagnostics Inc and Raincoast Conservation Foundation, with support from Environment and Climate Change Canada. These reports assess the current state of science and efforts on microfibre pollution, providing a blueprint for national multi-stakeholder action.
Role: Author
US Congress Report on Microfibre Pollution
Developed by US NOAA and EPA on behalf of the Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee, with support from the consulting firm Materevolve. This report provides Congress an overview of the microfiber pollution issue, while also outlining a plan for federal agencies to address this problem.
Role: Contributing Author and member of the Expert Advisory Committee.
This CBC documentary, directed by Stuart Gilles, is a solutions-focused film that explores the challenges our convenience culture is placing on our environment, and shares actions anyone can adopt to curb our waste in our daily lives.
Role: Scientific Advisor and Expert Contributor